The SOHS Library is OPEN to the public at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, with FREE access to the SOHS Archives, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments are not necessary. Please contact, or call 541-622-2025 ex 200 to ask questions or request research.
Title | Body | Scan Location | Photo Link |
010919 | Hanna, Will |
010920 | Saddling unbroken horse at Murphy ranch, with Murphy, J. J. Bucking horse with saddle on back and blindfold over eyes, man on second horse holding… |
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010921 | Ashland Rodeo-Roundup; Murphy, Ray winning relay race |
010922 | Lithograph of John Murphy Stock Ranch near Ashland (from Wallings) |
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010923 | McGinnis, Vera as cowgirl at Rogue River Round-Up |
010924 | Murphy, Ray holding reins of "Rolling Star" for jockey Langdon, Johnny; 7-28-1930 |
010925 | Murphy, Chapman, Neil families at Chapman house |
010926 | Murphy boys, with: Murphy: John Murray (18); Ray Neil (16); George Carl (24); Clyde Clayborn (2); sons of Murphy, John Jacob and Gertrude Neil |
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010927 | Murphy: Blanche D. (wife of J. Murray Murphy); John D (8 mo.); Mary Louise (2 1/2) |
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010928 | Murphy, Ray, in France, Private in the Army |
010929 | Karewski house at 5th and C Sts. in Jacksonville |
010930 | New Post Office on N. Oregon St., Jacksonville; 4-1970 |
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010931 | Street scene in Jacksonville with Kennedy's Tin Shop and Gary West's Meats; 4-1970 |
010932 | Former location of Jacksonville Telephone Building and Lyden House |
010933 | Kubli home in Applegate area |
010934 | Pacific and Eastern Railroad handcar with one man |
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010934.1 | Pacific and Eastern Railroad handcar with one man |
010935 | Tunnel 13 in Siskiyous; south end, with workers |
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010936 | Wrecked railroad car, De Autremont robbery at Tunnel # 13 |
010937 | DeAutremont, Ray; mug shot |
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010938 | DeAutremont, Ray, Roy; Jennings, Deputy Sheriff Louis, in doorway of jail after return to Oregon (see also negative # 2223) |
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010939 | DeAutremont, Hugh, Colvig, Pinto; Dunford, Ike (jailer); Luzienoff, Mr. outside courthouse (see also negative # 2222) |
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010939.1 | DeAutremont, Hugh, Colvig, Pinto; Dunford, Ike (jailer); Luzienoff, Mr. outside courthouse (see also negative # 2222) (cropped) |
010940 | Cars in front of Jacksonville Court House during DeAutremont trial (see also negative # 7586) |
010941 | Thomas, Judge Charles M., Judge at DeAutremont trial |
010942 | Chaney, District Attorney Newton; Jennings, Sheriff Ralph, outside Jackson County Jail for the DeAutremont trial in Jacksonville |
010943 | Chaney, District Attorney Newton and other men, outside Jackson County Jail for the DeAutremont trial in Jacksonville |
010944 | Jennings, Sheriff Ralph and DeAutremont, Hugh |
010945 | Chaney, District Attorney Newton and other men, outside Jackson County Jail for the DeAutremont trial in Jacksonville |
010946 | Group outside Jackson County Jail in Jacksonville during DeAutremont trial (photo is labeled #10946 but this negative has been discontinued; photo… |
010947 | Jacksonville |
010948 | Marriage certificate for Truc, Hanes and Sisson, Celeste |
010949 | Franklin and Sara Martin home at 128 Mistletoe St. in Medford |
010950 | Pacific Air Transport, with Cunningham, Russ (Pilot) and Prouty, Bill |
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010951 | Photo of Golden Spike Program cover, Ashland |
010952 | Negative missing, no description of image |
010953 | Classical performance at Britt Music Festival |
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010954 | Bailey, Mariel, Seattle violinist warming up for Britt Music Festival |
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010955 | Brass Quintet at Britt Music Festival |
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010956 | Schuab, John and Juanita opening the Britt Music Festival; 8-8-1982 |
010957 | First outdoor concert, of the season for the Britt Music Festival; 8-11-1976 |
010958 | Opening of Britt Music Festival, 8-9-1981 |
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010959 | Britt Music Festival stage and orchestra; 8-23-1981 |
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010960 | Britt Music Festival |
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010961 | Britt Festival Brass Quintet playing at Jacksonville Tavern, Jacksonville; 8-21-1981 |
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010962 | Mangione, Chuck, soloist at Britt Jazz Festival |
010963 | Hollander, Lorin, piano soloist at the Britt Classical Festival; 8-7-1984 |
010964 | Fahey, John, guitar soloist at the Britt Music Festival |
010965 | Violin section, Britt Music Festival; 8-2-1979 |
010966 | "Waves Breakdance Co." at Britt Music Festival; 7-26-1985 |