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Title | Body | Scan Location | Photo Link |
009564 | Judge Touvelle house in Jacksonville |
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009565 | Touvelle house in Jacksonville; 4-1970 |
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009566 | Judge Touvelle house in Jacksonville |
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009567 | Photo of Touvelle Christmas card with photo of their house in Jacksonville |
009568 | Touvelle house in Jacksonville, interior sitting room; 4-1970 |
009569 | Judge Touvelle house in Jacksonville, interior fireplace |
009570 | Touvelle house in Jacksonville, interior sitting room; 4-1970 |
009571 | Judge Touvelle house in Jacksonville, interior fireplace |
009572 | Touvelle house in Jacksonville; 4-1970 |
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009573 | Touvelle house in Jacksonville; 4-1970 |
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009574 | Judge Touvelle house at 455 N. Oregon in Jacksonville, in snow |
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009575 | Judge Touvelle house at 455 N. Oregon in Jacksonville, in snow |
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009576 | Fluhrer, William, Lt. Colonel; 1942-1945 Commander, Capadoccino AEB, Naples, Italy.tif |
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009577 | Burgher, Coach Darwin K.; Glim, Stub; Gehlard, Leo; Glinsky, Max; Trill, Jerry |
009577.1 | Burgher, Coach Darwin K.; Trill, Jerry |
009578 | "Palouse," a member of the Medford High School Football team |
009579 | "Melvin," "Anderson", members of the Medford High School Football team, from 1929 Crater Yearbook |
009580 | No negative and no description of image |
009581 | Mensor, Mrs. Morris (see also negative # 362) |
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009582 | Mensor, Morris (see also negative # 363) |
009583 | Lewis, Thomas Franklin |
009584 | Lewis, George Raymond |
009585 | Florey (or Flory?), Jennie Eleanor (Lewis) |
009586 | Heckathorn, Jerry |
009587 | Lewis, Frank |
009588 | Heckathorn, Mr. and Mrs. |
009589 | Allison house with a man, woman, and 2 children in front in Jacksonville. Photograph mat has fancy border and says "On the Line of the Oregon… |
009590 | Archer, backfield |
009591 | Williams, Clare; an athlete at Medford High School, from 1929 Crater Yearbook |
009592 | Williams, Clare; an athlete at Medford High School, from 1929 Crater Yearbook |
009593 | Oregon Hotel, between Oak and Pioneer on E. Main St., Ashland |
009594 | Christofferson, Capt. and Mrs. Silas with home-built Curtis-Type Pusher bi-plane |
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009595 | Pacific Air Transport pilots: Starbuck, A. D.; Miller, Heber C.; Virden, Ralph B.; Remelin, E. L.; Cunningham, J. R.; Donaldson, F. A.; Tyler,… |
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009595.1 | Crandall, Harry |
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009596 | Ford tour of Medford Airport, with large crowd |
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009597 | Carr, Russ; United Air Lines Pilot |
009598 | Pacific Air Transport radio teletransmitter, Medford neg. neg. 16043 replaces this neg # |
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009599 | Interior of radio room at Medford Municipal Airport. Radio equipment used by Pacific Air Transport. Medford (Or.) |
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009600 | Interior of radio-telegraph transmitter used at station KGE |
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009601 | Johnson, George R.; PAT radio operator, Medford |
009602 | Medford Airport Landing Site, Medford |
009603 | Runway lights, by Seely Hall |
009604 | Medford Municipal Hanger and terminal building; 11-5-1929. Building housed administration officers, the US weather bureau, and local headquarters… |
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009605 | Medford Airport, ticket office and waiting room |
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009606 | Pacific Air Transport office |
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009607 | Bombers with Army units, Medford |
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009608 | Chamber of Commerce promotional 1st Air Mail Flights, Medford |
009609 | Medford Air Terminal Building |
009610 | Ray, Mrs. William (Mary Louise Buckley) |
009611 | Teachers and students at Independence School, Phoenix |
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