The SOHS Library is OPEN to the public at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, with FREE access to the SOHS Archives, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments are not necessary. Please contact, or call 541-622-2025 ex 200 to ask questions or request research.
Title | Body | Scan Location | Photo Link |
008291 | Jacksonville Cemetery |
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008292 | View to north over early Medford Part 1 |
008293 | View to north over early Medford Part 2 |
008294 | Helman, John (first child born at Ashland: 1-7-1854), father of Almeda H. Coder |
008295 | Helman, Grace Younker (Mrs. John Helman); 5-1-1884 1983.33.118 |
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008296 | Helman, Almeda (10) and Grace (mother) |
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008297 | Coder, Almeda Helman; Schmidt, Blanche; Schmidt, Ted; Perkins, Amy; 8-1969 |
008298 | Helman family in first Ford car, on the way to Grants Pass by Applegate River Road, with: Grace (mother); John (Father); Almeda (daughter) |
008299 | Coder, Laurence, husband of Almeda H. Coder |
008300 | Coder, Laurence at Ashland Iron Works, by drill press (shop purchased by the Coders in 1921) |
008301 | Helman family rafting on Lake of the Woods, with Cherry, Minta; Anderson, Jean; McMurtry, Kate; Helman, Grace; Helman, John. Photo taken by Clyde… |
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008302 | Coder, Almeda and Laurence, just after their marriage; 10-16-1912 |
008303 | Coder, Almeda and Powell, Alta with dog "Pudge" at home on Laurel St. (built about 1915-16) |
008304 | Coder: John, Harry, Laurence, Daddy, Catherine, Almeda, Mother; at family home on Scenic Dr., Ashland |
008305 | Coder, Almeda; first fishing trip on Keene Creek; 7-4-1913 |
008306 | Coder, Almeda Helman before her marriage to Laurence Coder; 10-16-1912 |
008307 | Coder, Almeda shortly before marriage, taken near Billings place |
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008308 | Helman, Captain A. D. and Susan (Rockfellow); second wife |
008309 | Map of Ashland surveyed by BF Myer; 1867 Dec 11 |
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008310 | Roughton, Prof; music teacher in Ashland |
008311 | Little Butte Creek bridge, Eagle Point Railroad, with Hartman, J. R. (father of Wesley Hartman) and others |
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008312 | View of Mickelson house, Hargadine barn and store, Ashland House, in Ashland |
008313 | Mrs. Vining's house and Hotel and George Stevenson's Livery Stable, looking north on Water St. in Ashland |
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008314 | Mathews home in Eagle Point, with: Mathews, Dudley; Smith, Mary; Viola; Smith, Nellie; Smith, Corbet |
008314.1 | Mathews home in Eagle Point, with: Mathews, Dudley; Smith, Mary; Viola; Smith, Nellie; Smith, Corbet |
008315 | Jackson County Library (Carnegie Library) in Medford, exterior, including gazebo |
008316 | Ashland Furniture Store on N. Main St. in Ashland |
008317 | Rear of the buildings on N. Main St., Ashland |
008318 | Ashland guards line up on horseback in front of Ashland Flour Mill during Modoc Indian War |
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008319 | First staff of the Southern Oregon Miner, including: Jacobs, Knute; Chitwood, Ham; Watson, William; Eubanks, Cal; Sutton, J. M. |
008320 | Methodist Church in Ashland (see also negative # 95) |
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008321 | View over Ashland Plaza to the northeast |
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008322 | First flag raised in Southern Oregon at celebration in Ashland on 7-4-1863 |
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008323 | Bear Creek Bridge in Medford |
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008324 | Vrooman, Dr. Martin |
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008325 | Vrooman, Mrs. Martin (Christina) |
008326 | Martin Vrooman house at 675 E. California St. in Jacksonville |
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008327 | Martin Vrooman house at 675 E. California St. in Jacksonville |
008328 | Cozad, Martha Mitchell (grandmother of Frank Bash), before marriage to Dr. James Cozad |
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008329 | Cozad, Martha Mitchell (60) (grandmother of Frank Bash) |
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008330 | Berry, Prof. J. J.; Ashland Normal School |
008331 | Vining, Mr. I. E. |
008332 | Barneburg, Electra (nee Norton) |
008333 | Norton, Jemima (Hiler), mother of Electa Norton Barneburg |
008334 | Barneburg, Anna (nee Mueller or Muller) |
008335 | Barneburg family, with: Peter, Addie, and sons Harry and Frederick |
008336 | Barneburg family: Frederick, Electra, Samuel, Peter, Daniel, Henery, John; Clarke, Ida Jane; Nichols, Laura; and Keene, Mary |
008337 | Barneburg, Daniel and Harry |
008338 | Barneburg, Aaron Gordon |
008339 | Barneburg, Frederick |
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