The SOHS Library is OPEN to the public at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, with FREE access to the SOHS Archives, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments are not necessary. Please contact, or call 541-622-2025 ex 200 to ask questions or request research.
Title | Body | Scan Location | Photo Link |
008146 | Phipps, Ira J. and daughter, Laura May at ranch on Vilas Rd. with horse and buggy |
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008147 | Medford High School Basketball team, including: Phipps, Dolph |
008148 | Dedication ceremony for Jackson County Courthouse in Medford; 9-1-1932 (photo sleeve says negative # 8149, but that is incorrect) |
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008149 | Medford High School students on the steps, including Phipps, Laura May; and others |
008150 | D. Edward Phipps home at 328 N. Riverside Ave. in Medford with family and colt in front |
008151 | Apple picking at Phipps orchard. Men picking apples, some men on ladders, full boxes displayed, horse-drawn and mule-drawn wagons in back; David E… |
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008152 | Packing pears at Phipps orchard. Men and women in packing house; boxes stacked on right and left. Packing house located on Vilas Road; Dolph and… |
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008153 | Packing house at Phipps orchard. Men, women, boy on porch of packing house; horse-drawn flatbed wagon with lug boxes in front. Medford (Or.) |
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008154 | Medford High School Band, with Phipps, Ira (became a dentist), Medford |
008155 | Methodist Church group in Medford, with: Phipps, David Edward; and others |
008156 | Methodist Church group of 8 young women, including: Phipps, May |
008157 | Washington School in Medford with 7th grade students and teachers outside |
008158 | Medford school with a group of students in front |
008159 | Group of students on the steps of a school in Medford |
008160 | Phipps family, with Phipps, Calista Downing (Mrs. Ira J. Phipps); Phipps, Mathew Preston; Phipps, Alarine (Mrs. Mathew Phipps); Phipps, Ira J. and… |
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008161 | Phipps orchard. Two men, Dolph and David Edward Phipps, in orchard, boxes of apples on ground. On front of photo: 'SPITZENBURG APPLES PHIPPS… |
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008162 | Phipps Orchard at Vilas Rd. and Crater Lake Ave., with Phipps, Dolph and Dwight, brothers and grandsons of I. J. Phipps |
008163 | Methodist Episcopal Church group in Medford |
008164 | Medford High School graduating class, including: Holtan, Helen; Gregory, G. A. (principal); Bruns, Zoa; Weaver, Ida; White, Floyd; White, Edith;… |
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008165 | Phipps, May; Foster, Mazie; and 8 others |
008166 | Group of young men of Medford, with Davis, Scott, son of A. E. Davis who owned a flour mill in Medford |
008167 | Old Medford High School on N. Bartlett between 5th and 6th Sts.; with students and teachers in front |
008168 | Southern Oregon State Normal School in Ashland graduates and faculty, including: Van Scoy, W. T.; Vining, I. E.; Thomas, Ada P.; Miles, T. W.;… |
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008169 | Klippel, Henry Sr. |
008170 | Picnic on the Applegate, with Bauten, Mrs.; Britt, Minnie; and many others |
008171 | Group in front of log house in Applegate area |
008172 | Man and 3 women, Applegate area?; 4-1966 |
008173 | Blue Ledge Mine building, lower terminal tramway and compression building in rear |
008174 | Road construction crew, with: Wells, Edward; Collings, Albert; Fruit, Bill; Frye, Charles; McKee, Floyd; Sullivan, John; and Anderson, Erich |
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008175 | Applegate road construction crew, including: Wells, Edward; Collings, Albert; Fruit, Bill; Frye, Charles; McKee, Floyd; Sullivan, John; and… |
008176 | Large group watching fire in Eugene |
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008177 | Zell, Frank with wife and son, Douglas (Zell was first man to manage Jacksonville Museum) (see also negative # 9030) |
008178 | Blue Ledge Mine |
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008179 | Oldest building at Blue Ledge Mine, roof of cookhouse in background |
008180 | Six men on horseback: Finley, Ed; Swayne, Pat; Phillips, Ramey; Phillips, Ora; McKee, Bert; Phillips, Emmett |
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008181 | Four men crossing Applegate River on "John Collings footbridge" near Squaw Creek |
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008182 | O/Brien-McKee families at Terrence Byrne home (now covered by Applegate Lake) (Watkins Post Office at extreme left), with: O'Brien, Stella… |
008183 | Blair family, with: Blair, Mamie Venable; Johnston, Bessie Smith; Blair, Walter; Smith, Dane (baby), at Medford Airport |
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008184 | Construction of Medford reservoir. Construction of Medford city reservoir on Capital Hill; work crew picking rock; loaded car hauling rock on… |
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008185 | Reames, Woodford |
008186 | Reames, Mahulda (born 4-12-1823, died 1890) |
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008187 | Reames, Clarence, Lucinda as children |
008188 | Reames, Mrs. Thomas G. (Lucinda) |
008189 | Rapp, Martha Reames (see also negative # 11385) |
008190 | Reames, James Robert |
008191 | Reames, Mrs. James Alice Strong |
008192 | Reames, Mrs. Evan (Jennie Ross, daughter of John Ross) |
008193 | Harbaugh, Mrs. Oliver (Medora Reames) |
008194 | Reames, Hattie (Mrs. John White) |
008195 | Reames, Alfred Evans, son of Thomas and Lucinda Reames, 8-4-1888 |