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Title | Body | Scan Location | Photo Link |
008340 | Cozad or Bash family: 2 women |
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008341 | Stevens, Delilah Jennings |
008342 | Jennings, Ralph and sons Paul and Lewis |
008343 | Beach(?) family in front of house |
008344 | Bradshaw, Leonard |
008345 | Stevens, Albert in top hat, dressed as a deacon in a play (brother of George Stevens) |
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008345.1 | Women packaging food for S. Vietnam |
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008345.2 | Women Smoking after Packaging Food for South Vietnam |
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008345.3 | Women Packaging Food for South Vietnam |
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008346 | Miners with deer at Fir Creek Mining Camp;10-1915, with: Jennings, Bill; Arnold, Ezra; Arnold, Jim; Collings, Zeb; Collings, Frank; Bennett, Fred… |
008347 | Union Town School, 1/2 mile up Little Applegate Rd., Applegate area, with: Spencer, Flora; Taylor, Isabel; Cameron, Virginia; Spencer, Velma;… |
008348 | Southern Pacific passenger train in Siskiyous |
008349 | Sutherland sisters, with Sarah (hair 3 feet long); Victoria (hair 7 feet long); Isabelle (hair 6 feet long); Grace (hair 5 feet long); Naomi (hair… |
008350 | Johnson, Helen; Hollingsworth, Lucy Hard; Hard, Mamie; Hollingsworth, ? |
008351 | Arnold family; with: Fred; Ezra (father); Jim; Lena; Uvena; Elsie (mother); Melvin |
008352 | Arnold, Melvin, Ezra; Collings, Albert; on bear hunt |
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008353 | Miners, Arnold, Ezra, and Johnston, Jim |
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008354 | Crew working on Mule Hill in Applegate area |
008355 | Swayne, Patrick, Mrs. Barbara, Josie, Mildred, Hazel, Lois, in auto |
008356 | Sterling Creek School, Applegate area, before WWI, with: Nelson, Albert; Arnold, Melvin; Kahee, Vernon; Arnold, Lena; Arnold, Noel; Webber,… |
008357 | Roberts, Lillie (Lulu), in hat made by Mrs. Henrietta Medynski |
008358 | Roberts, Lulu, Nannie, John, in truck garden between Phoenix and Talent |
008359 | Hughes, Mrs. Lem; Roberts, George; Hughes, Lem; Hughes, Mildred; Hughes, Oleander (Ola); ?, Wanda; ?, Chrystal; Hughes, Timothy; Peterson, Albert… |
008360 | Crater Lake group, with: Roberts, George; Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Lem and daughter Mildred; Hughes, Oleander; Hughes, Martha; Wanda and Chrystal;… |
008361 | Teachers and students at Fern Valley School, including: Hopper, Miss (teacher); Alford, Ethel, Echo; Hughes, Mildred; Ward, Mildred; Mankee, Flora… |
008362 | Roberts, Lillie (Lulu); McClain, Mollie; Carey, Martha; with bicycles |
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008363 | Hughes, Mrs. Lem with Mildred (child) and Margaret (baby) at Fern Valley east of Phoenix |
008364 | Roberts, Lillie and Carey, Martha |
008365 | Merriman, Blanche and Merritt |
008366 | Merriman, Chester; deputy Sheriff of Jackson county |
008367 | Merriman, Bea, Chester, Margie (baby) |
008368 | Merriman, Lester and Chester (twins) as boys |
008369 | Merriman, Lester and Helen |
008370 | Merriman, Beatrice (Mrs. Chester) |
008371 | Merriman, Chester |
008372 | Merriman family, with: Bennett, Laura, Marie, Samuel, Lewis, Maria; Merriman, Emma, Isaac, Vera, Artenecia (Chapman), George, Mary; Beall, Aunt… |
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008373 | Griffin, Mary Ann Hamlin |
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008374 | Griffin, William Marian |
008375 | Lee, Victorine (Mrs. Harold) |
008376 | Lee, Victorine (Mrs. Harold) |
008377 | "Mr. Keet" - cat belonging to Victorine Lee |
008378 | Lee, Harold, with steelhead, 10-1953 (taken at friend's home on Rogue River) |
008379 | Foots Creek in Gold Hill area on property of Harold and Victorine Lee |
008380 | Lake, waterfall, and footbridge on Harold and Victorine Lee property near Foots Creek in Gold Hill area |
008381 | Gray-black deer "Nancy" on property of Victorine and Harold Lee, Foots Creek area |
008382 | Harold and Victorine Lee house on Foots Creek near Gold Hill |
008383 | Winburn, Jesse entertaining at his home "Sap & Salt" located above Ashland in the canyon on Ashland Creek, with: Moses, Mrs. Bert;… |
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008384 | Morgan, Alice (Hollowell) |
008385 | Winburn, Jesse entertaining at his home "Sap & Salt" located above Ashland in the canyon on Ashland Creek, with: Winburn, Jesse;… |
008386 | Winburn, Jesse entertaining at his home "Sap & Salt" located above Ashland in the canyon on Ashland Creek, with: Winburn, Jesse;… |