The SOHS Library is OPEN to the public at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, with FREE access to the SOHS Archives, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments are not necessary. Please contact, or call 541-622-2025 ex 200 to ask questions or request research.
Title | Body | Scan Location | Photo Link |
MMT-04779 | March 27--Orchid Show Promo |
MMT-04780 | March 27--Phoenix-Talent School Bond |
MMT-04781 | March 27--Schematic White City Cinemas |
MMT-04782 | March 27--Southern Oregon Cable--Home Box Office |
MMT-04783 | March 27--VFW Women Present Electronic Toys to Rogue Valley Hospital Pediatrics Ward |
MMT-04784 | March 27--Woman to Softball Hall of Fame (Lou Gehrig's Disease) Lois Baccus |
MMT-04785 | May 11--Southern Oregon Players at Nursing Home |
MMT-04786 | May 12--100-Year-Old's Birthday |
MMT-04787 | May 12--Book Sale |
MMT-04788 | May 12--Budget Committee Hearing |
MMT-04789 | May 12--Central Point Library |
MMT-04790 | May 12--Forum Speakers |
MMT-04791 | May 12--Medford Auxiliary President |
MMT-04792 | May 12--Medford High School Athletics--Setup |
MMT-04793 | May 12--Medford High School Orchestra |
MMT-04794 | May 12--Mid High School Play |
MMT-04795 | May 12--Mother to Mentally Ill |
MMT-04796 | May 12--Postmaster with New Stamp |
MMT-04797 | May 12--School Kid with Eggs |
MMT-04798 | May 12--Wendy's |
MMT-04799 | May 22--AA Baseball All-Stars |
MMT-04800 | May 22--Central Point Council |
MMT-04801 | May 22--Cop Ridealong |
MMT-04802 | May 22--Cop Ridealong--Doug Kocina |
MMT-04803 | May 22--Eagle Point-Corvallis Baseball Playoffs |
MMT-04804 | May 22--Falwell Demonstrators |
MMT-04805 | May 22--Merit Scholar Mug Shots |
MMT-04806 | May 22--Red Cross Balloons |
MMT-04807 | May 22--Truck Rollover I-5 |
MMT-04808 | May 22--Truck Rollover--Medford, City |
MMT-04809 | May 4--Rogue Valley Hospital Care Unit |
MMT-04810 | May 5--AFS Setup |
MMT-04811 | May 5--Ashland Bureau |
MMT-04812 | May 5--Central Point Police Car |
MMT-04813 | May 5--Central Point Schools Exercise |
MMT-04814 | May 5--County Budget Hearing |
MMT-04815 | May 5--D.C. Tax Specialist |
MMT-04816 | May 5--Goodwill Overcrowding |
MMT-04817 | May 5--KTMT--New Building |
MMT-04818 | May 5--LaserSurgery at Rogue Valley Hospital |
MMT-04819 | May 5--Medford-Central Point Girls' Softball |
MMT-04820 | May 5--Medford-Grants Pass Boys' Basketball |
MMT-04821 | May 5--Murder Scene Looked Over by Cops--Mid High School |
MMT-04822 | May 5--Paint Horses |
MMT-04823 | May 5--Prisoners to New Jail |
MMT-04824 | May 5--Rogue Gallery Floral Sale |
MMT-04825 | May 5--Savage Rapids Fish Screens |
MMT-04826 | May 5--School Spelling Bee |
MMT-04827 | May 5--Sheriff's Press Conference |
MMT-04828 | May 5--Shoemaker |