The SOHS Library is OPEN to the public at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, with FREE access to the SOHS Archives, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments are not necessary. Please contact, or call 541-622-2025 ex 200 to ask questions or request research.
Title | Body | Scan Location | Photo Link |
016890 | Webb, Nettie |
016891 | Webb, George Lincoln |
016892 | Webb, Martha Bassie |
016893 | Nicholson, Will |
016894 | Webb, Benjamin, Nettie |
016895 | Webb, Isaac Andrew |
016896 | Chautauqua Building |
016897 | Actors on stage at Shakespeare festival |
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016898 | Group at Jacksonville Gold Rush Jubilee; 8-20-1932 |
016899 | U.S. Hotel in Jacksonville; no balcony |
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016900 | Jacksonville Museum in Jacksonville |
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016901 | Britt, Mollie; beside Rogue River near Rock Point |
016902 | Boat in rapids on Rogue River |
016903 | Man working at Lost Creek Lake Dam; 12-1980 |
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016904 | Applegate Dam ground breaking ceremony, with large crowd; 8-1970 |
016905 | Mt. Ashland ski school instructors. Two men, one woman posed in front of ski school sign. On back of photo: 'Mt. Ashland ski instructors pose… |
Scanned | View Photo |
016906 | Rooster crow contest at Rogue River; 7-1979 |
016907 | Hanley Master Plan, with Hanley, Mrs. Michael |
016908 | Hanley, Michael (see also negative # 9739 for colored version) |
016909 | Hanley, John |
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016910 | Hanley, Mary L.; John A.; Ella E.; Mary Love; Claire (as baby) |
016911 | Curry, Ethel and Wray; Hanley, Mary; Claire; Martha -- three sisters, one in mask |
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016912 | Hanley home with arch or arbor in front |
016913 | Hanley barn |
016914 | Hanley House; 5-31-1924 |
016915 | Visitors at the Jackson County exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Exposition, including Jackson, D. H. |
016916 | Murder scene |
016917 | Murder scene |
016918 | "Cops and Slots"; slot machines in truck bed, with officers nearby |
016919 | Hanley sitting room |
016920 | Egan, Henry Chandler and another man with golf clubs |
016921 | Egan, Chandler; "A Day's Golf at Leeds Castle"; 5-26-1934 |
016922 | Egan, Henry Chandler and wife Alice Barett Scudder (2nd wife) |
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016923 | Egan, Henry Chandler |
016924 | Egan, Henry Chandler |
016925 | Egan, Henry Chandler with dog at home in Medford |
016926 | Egan, Henry Chandler at typewriter |
016927 | Egan, Henry Chandler |
016928 | Egan, Henry Chandler |
016929 | Egan, Henry Chandler |
016930 | Egan, Henry Chandler |
016931 | Egan, Henry Chandler demonstrating golf swing, at High School or Harvard? |
016932 | Egan, Henry Chandler demonstrating golf swing, at High School or Harvard? |
016933 | Day, Judge Silas |
016934 | Moving into the Rogue Valley Manor; 1-30-1961 (negative is in Knackstedt Collection) |
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016935 | Harvey, Paul and another man in KMED studio in Medford; 11-4-1961 (negative is in Knackstedt Collection) |
016936 | Fishing in a river. Three men fishing; two men standing in river, one on bank; river rock in foreground, brush and trees on far bank. Oregon,… |
Scanned | View Photo |
016937 | Yandell, Freeman |
016938 | Tour Group at Agricultural Experiment Station 1961 |
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016939 | Hanley Sisters and Tour Group at Agricultural Experiment Station 1961 |
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