The SOHS Library is OPEN to the public at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, with FREE access to the SOHS Archives, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments are not necessary. Please contact, or call 541-622-2025 ex 200 to ask questions or request research.
Title | Body | Scan Location | Photo Link |
014644 | Hedburg (Hedberg?), Ellwood; Cameron, Edward; Rickman, Johnie; Loud (Soud?), Howard; 9-14-1913 |
014645 | Cameron, Frank in sailor suit; 4-5-1919 |
014646 | School bus |
014647 | Old Post Office in Medford |
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014648 | Bridge over Bear Creek on E. Main during circus parade in Medford (no large animals were allowed on bridge, they went through the creek at left of… |
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014649 | Layton's hydraulic claim, Farris Gulch, Jackson County |
014650 | Harnish Livery Stable with men and horses in front |
014651 | "Labor revolt is called"; Ashland Tidings; 9-1-1934 |
014652 | "I.W.W. kill 4 soldiers"; Mail Tribune; 11-13-1919 |
014653 | John, Sarah King (Mrs. David) going away after wedding ceremony |
014654 | Britt, Mollie and friends |
014655 | Woman in hat |
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014656 | McConnell, Sampson |
014657 | U. S. National Bank opening, with: Strickland, Charles |
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014658 | Ad for Adrienne's Apparel for women (Mail Tribune 3-15-1931) |
014659 | Landis, Carole; 4-2-1943 |
014660 | Sears Roebuck and Co. catalogue, p. 82, 1924 |
014661 | Interior of the Hargrove Millinery Shop, 47 N. Main St., Ashland (negative is in G82 B 2) |
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014662 | Table with food in an Ashland home (negative is in G82 B 2) |
014663 | Table Rock Store, with Davisson, H. W. on porch |
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014664 | Mt. McLoughlin |
014665 | Mt. McLoughlin |
014666 | Willis, Bill and his cabin |
014667 | Group, Park Rangers and wives or visitors? in front of east side fireplace (negative is in G33 B 2) |
014668 | Mitchelmore, Lawrence H. |
014669 | Camp White - group of soldiers with "Suzy" the deer |
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014670 | Yamashita, Mr.; Koyama, Mr. Joe; Nakagiri, Mr. Jimmy |
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014671 | Kumosawa; Tommy, Denny, Ken, Mr. K. at 220 Cottage St. Medford |
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014672 | Nakagiri, Mrs. K.; Shimoda, Mrs. O.; Koyama, Mrs. A. |
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014673 | Koyama, Mrs. A. ; Nagayama, Mrs. K. |
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014674 | Japanese children at play. Roy Koyama and Miyeko Koyama in wagon. Coleman Creek (Or.) |
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014675 | Koyama Family. Identified on back of photo, order unknown: Roy Koyama, Mrs. Asami Koyama, "Mas" (Koyama) Yoshida, Shiz (Koyama) Kawasawa… |
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014676 | Jiro Shimoda and Roy Koyama at Tule Lake Internment Camp. Japanese men in front of barracks at Tule Lake Internment Camp, one wearing U.S. Army… |
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014677 | Hanley House; 5-3-1924 |
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014678 | Ledger |
014679 | Negative missing, no description of image |
014679.1 | Official Highway Map of Oregon |
014679.2 | Official Highway Map of Oregon - verso: Mt. Hood Loop |
014680 | Hydraulic mining. Panoramic view, two nozzles (monitors) gush water on side of large man-made ravine, one nozzle gushes water toward center of… |
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014681 | North end of Siskiyou Tunnel |
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014682 | Broadside advertising Hale and Slade Livery and Stages Stable at Grants, Oregon |
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014683 | Negative missing, no description of image |
014684 | Crowd on the sidewalk in front of Jackson County Courthouse in Jacksonville |
014685 | Jacksonville shown in poster #66 |
014686 | WWII poster: "Our Carelessness - Their Secret Weapon, Prevent Forest Fires" |
014687 | Interior of cab of Oregon and California locomotive, with Casey, Bartholomew "Bat"; and another man |
014688 | Mallery, Rev. E. N. (Presbyterian minister in Jacksonville) |
014689 | Second bridge over Rogue River at Table Rocks |
014690 | Bybee Bridge over Rogue River with people along one side |
014691 | Bybee's bridge over the Rogue River |