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Grants Pass Audience Runs Anarchist Out of Town

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Soapbox speakers in Grants Pass could usually gather a crowd, but if listeners disliked the speech, the orator could expect more than just an argument.
The Rogue River Courier wrote that an "anarchist of the red-haired type" showed up in July 1910 and began a speech on Sixth Street in front of the Layton Hotel.  Those listening lost patience when the speaker referred to the "Father of this country" as a thief and called ex-president Theodore Roosevelt a murderer. 
The speaker sensed the unrest in the audience and quickly departed, promising to resume on Wednesday.  An eager audience showed up on Wednesday, but the speaker didn’t.  His assistant, a local man known as "Gold Teeth," arrived and took the stand to continue the rant.  When he asked for a glass of water, someone turned a hose on him.  Others began pelting Gold Teeth with stale eggs they had intended for the first speaker.  Doused by eggs, Gold Teeth made a run for it. 
The newspaper said it was an "outrage which should be punished,” but no one was arrested.
"Traveling Anarchist of the Red-Haired Type." Rogue River Courier 8 July 1910 [Grants Pass Oregon] : 1. Historic Oregon Newspapers. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.

Lynda Demsher